The Sophomore class is selling Butter Braids for Easter. All proceeds will go to the class as we save for our senior year experience. We aren't sure where we will be going, but our dreams are big. Thank you for your continued support. ORDER FORM: Orders are due by March 23, 2025. Pickup of orders will be available April 10, 2025
6 days ago, Fishers Island School
Butter Braid Fundraiser
Hot "BRUNCH" Fundraiser, Friday, March 21st. Support the class of 2026 and purchase lunch.
7 days ago, Fishers Island School
french toast casserole, sauasage, fruit, juice hot lunch 3/21
I hope this message finds you well. Due to the forecasted weather conditions and recent absences due to sickness, Fishers Island School will hold a true Snow Day tomorrow, Wednesday, February 12th. There will be no remote learning tomorrow. The overnight forecast calls for snow, which will potentially turn to ice. As tomorrow is a Wednesday ferry schedule, we unfortunately cannot call a delayed opening. Today, we have over 15 students/staff out sick. I hope that by giving everyone the day to rest and recoup, tomorrow will help us get healthier at FIS! The scheduled Board of Education meeting will still be in person tomorrow evening, and Zoom access will be provided. We are also looking at some potential weather overnight into Thursday, so please be aware of the possibility of a delayed opening/closure. I will communicate any changes to Thursday’s schedule tomorrow.
28 days ago, Fishers Island School
Due to the forecasted weather conditions, Fishers Island School will hold a Remote Learning Day for all students on Thursday, February 6th, 2025. The morning forecast calls for snow, which will turn to sleet or rain around 11:00 a.m. I hope making this call early will make rearranging your family schedules easier. High School students will participate in Zoom classes and follow their typical schedule for a “B-Day.” Elementary students and parents will receive separate communication from their teacher with a plan for Thursday’s learning. Please know that the decision to call tomorrow a Remote Learning day (instead of a snow day) is based on next week’s forecast, which calls for snow from Tuesday through Thursday. Next week’s snow will not be mixed with rain or sleet, hopefully allowing for sledding and other winter activities! Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
about 1 month ago, Fishers Island School
Please join us for the BrainTracks information session tonight, January 23rd at 7:00 PM.
about 2 months ago, Fishers Island School
brain tracks presentation info
Greetings friends! We invite you to join us for some fun in the snow at Wachusett Ski Mountain. The F.I. Community Ski Club was formed three years ago by a group of island parents who wished to create opportunities for social connection. The club is open to skiers and snowboarders of all ages and experience levels. Please see the link and registration form for additional information. You can register for as many sessions as you wish, one week prior to the event. Please email us and add your name to our mailing list if interested. Our email is We've scheduled (5) Sessions in December, January and February and they are: Saturday - December 28, 2024 Saturday - January 4, 2025 Saturday - January 11, 2025 Saturday - February 1, 2025 Saturday - February 22, 2025 Registration. Many thanks, and see you on the slopes!
3 months ago, Fishers Island School
ski club participants
Due to the change in concert scheduling this week, hot lunch will not be available during the school day this coming Friday. However, dinner will be available for purchase during the concert on Friday, December 13th, from 4:00 to the end of the event.
3 months ago, Fishers Island School
dinner fundraiser concert chili
Due to the forecasted weather conditions, Fishers Island School will hold a Remote Learning Day for all students on Wednesday, December 11, 2024. We are planning for a regular "in-person" school day on Thursday, December 12th. However, based on the weather, this may turn into a delayed opening or a fully remote day. This will be communicated tomorrow as the forecast becomes more clear. Tomorrow, high school students will participate in Zoom classes and follow their typical schedule for a “C-Day.” Elementary students and parents will receive separate communication from their teacher with a plan for Wednesday's learning. Lastly, the Winter Concert and Art Show has been moved to Friday, December 13th, due to the forecasted weather conditions.
3 months ago, Christian Arsenault
Hello Fishers Island Community: I hope that this finds you well. Due to the forecasted weather conditions, Fishers Island School will hold a Remote Learning Day for all students on Thursday, December 5th. Although there are currently no cancellations or delays with the Fishers Island Ferry, they have asked all passengers to plan accordingly for the forecasted weather. I have decided to call the Remote Learning Day with as much advanced notice as possible to help our students, families, and staff plan for this change in their typical routine. High School students will participate in Zoom classes and follow their typical schedule for a “C-Day.” Elementary students and parents will receive separate communication from their teacher with a plan for Thursday's learning. I want to remind students and families that participation in Remote Learning is mandatory. If your child cannot participate (sickness or otherwise), please report their absence as you would a typical “in-person” school day. Please reach out if you have any questions. In your service, Christian Christian Arsenault Superintendent/Principal
3 months ago, Christian Arsenault
Goldfish topped Mac n’ cheese / Veggies/cookie/drink $8 Add an extra scoop of Mac! $2 HOT CHOCOLATE! $2
4 months ago, Fishers Island School
11/15 hot lunch mac n cheese
Costume Day is Thursday, October 31st! Show off your costume for a chance to win a prize. Then, on Friday, wear your comfiest PJs!
5 months ago, Fishers Island School
halloween costume day
IPP & FFIT are hosting a fun Community Halloween Event.
5 months ago, Fishers Island School
halloween event IPP/FFIT
Now it’s easier than ever to stay up-to-date with the district AND with your student’s teachers, classes and sports. New parents and guardians will soon receive instructions via email/SMS to create their login to access Rooms within the district app by using either their email address or phone number. Already a Rooms parent or guardian? Great, you are all set! Just login using your phone number or email in the Fishers Island School District app or by going to If further assistance is needed please go to
5 months ago, Fishers Island School
The class of 2026 Will host a hot lunch on Friday, 10/25 See the attached flyer for more information.
5 months ago, Fishers Island School
chili dog fundraiser
The class of 2030 will once again be hosting a hot lunch on Tuesday, October 8th. If your student would like to purchase lunch that day, please send $6.00 tomorrow.
5 months ago, Fishers Island School
Hot Lunch - class of 2030
The class of 2030 will be hosting a hot lunch on Tuesday, October 1st. If your student would like to purchase lunch that day, please send $6.00 before or on the 1st.
6 months ago, Fishers Island School
Burger Fundraiser class of 2030
The class of 2027 invites you to order breakfast for delivery to your classroom/advisory on Tuesday, September 24th. All orders must be placed before the 24th, so be sure to get your orders in if you would like to support the class and enjoy a breakfast delivered to you. Orders can be placed using the form here:
6 months ago, Fishers Island School
breakfast fundraiser class of 2027 order form
Our first home meet (initially scheduled for tomorrow) of the Cross-Country season has been postponed to Friday, October 11th. We hope families will be able to join us on this new date to cheer on our student-athletes!
6 months ago, Fishers Island School
Reminder that our Fisher's Island app keeps getting better and better! Parents/guardians who have already created a Rooms account can now access new app features like chat and class streams via web and in the app. Download for Android Download for iPhone
6 months ago, Fishers Island School
say hello
Happy First Day of School! Our Fisher's Island app keeps getting better and better! Parents/guardians who have already created a Rooms account can now access new app features like chat and class streams via web and in the app. Download for Android Download for iPhone
6 months ago, Fishers Island School
say hello